Tuesday, November 19, 2013

John George Kunkle (1741 - 1811)

John George was born on Feburary 18, 1741 in Flörsbach, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia, now Germany. It is believed that he arrived in America with his parents and brothers and sisters.   They came on the ship Patience to Philadelphia on September 16,  1748.  His father, Johannes,  took the Oath to the Government    at the Courthouse in Philadelphia on September 16, 1748. (Pennsylvania German Pioneers  by Ralph Beaver Strassburger, LL.D., edited by William John Hinke, PH.D., D.D. 1980  Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. p. 384)  The family located in Northampton County near  what is now the Monroe County line.

This area was considered the frontier at the time.  Families living here were under constant threat of attack by hostile Indian bands who were trying to maintain a hold on their ancestral  lands.  Kunkle family researcher, James E. Kunkle, says, "The first trace of the Kunkel Family in Monroe County, PA is during the period of the   Indian uprisings in the winter of 1755-56 which was the start of the French and Indian  War. The Kunkels are listed, among other families, who fled over the  mountains and who took refuge in the Moravian settlements south of the Blue Mountains.”

John George served in the French and Indian War.  From Candace E. Anderson’s book, Miscellaneous Public Records, 1758 to 1767, p. 142-143 is  found a transcript of the men with their enlistment date and vital statistics.  "Muster roll of men enlisted for three months in the company under the command of Captain Jacob Wetterholt stationed at Fort "Shmit fill" Township for July 1763."     A list  of all the soldiers  with a link  to a photocopy of the original roster is also available online.  It is impressive to see a copy of this 250 year old document and learn that  Johan George Kunkle (number 26 on the list) is described as 21 years old, 6 feet tall, with a long face, gray eyes and Galen hair. Now if I only knew what “Galen hair” color was! 

Below is page 264 of the Pennsylvania Archives Series 5, Volume 8. John George Kunkle mustered out of Capt. Jacob Clader's Milita Company on May 23, 1782.  He had served a 3 month enlistment in the 2nd class of the 3rd Batallion, Northampton Co., Pennsylvania. 

There is a Daughters of the American  Revolution  Record of Service.  He is listed as Ancestor #: A202195.  This record names his wife as ESTER (Esther).  Nothing else is known of her, except that she was the mother of at least nine children. 

These children are mentioned in the will of George Kunkle.  Northampton County Courthouse, Orphans Court Book 8, p. 437, April 24, 1812, Estate of George Kunkle, Chestnuthill Twp.   Petition of George Kunkle, eldest son and heir of George Kunkle, late of Chestnuthill Twp. Father died intestate leaving nine children. Named in the will are  Sabina, wife of Peter Shmehl, George, Susannah, wife of Peter Diehl, Adam, Maria Barbara, wife of Lawrence Serfass, Elizabeth, wife of Conrad Crazy, Maria, wife of John Zerfass Jun., Peter and Margaret, wife of Henry Shupp.

I located the birth record of their son, John George Kunkle  in the Hamilton Twp., Union Church Records, page 4.

Johannes George Kunkel and Ester, parents.

Johann Georg, born Nov. 9, 1769 and baptized April 13, 1770.
The sponsors were Johann Guldner and Christina Kunckelin.
This record also provides us with the correct name of his father and gives the mother's first name.  However, no maiden name is provided for Ester.

John George Kunkle (1769 -1854) married Anna Catherine Dotterer and had a son named George born Feburary 10, 1797.  George (1797-1876) married Salome Knecht.  They were the parents of Charles Kunkle, born November 24, 1825 who married Emeline Miller and had a son named John Henry Kunkle. John Henry Kunkle and Sarah Jane Fehnel were the parents of Ron's Great Grandmother, Estella Mae Kunkle.

                    Please see this list of all My Revolutionary War Ancestors.
                                         This page  © 2013, Cynthia H. Smith
                                         Send email to chsmith47@yahoo.com

This site may be linked, but not duplicated in any way without consent. The copyright on this page must appear on all copied and/or printed material.

Your comments and suggestions are appreciated. It is with pleasure that I am able to present this information here for you to enjoy. If you discover a relationship here, I would very much enjoy hearing from you.
                                                   Email to chsmith47@yahoo.com 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Andreas Lilly (1748 - 1830)

Andreas Lilly was the eldest son of  John George Lilly and his wife Anna Margaretha.  Like his father, Andreas also gave service in the War for Independence.  He was born on November 16, 1748, more than likely in the area of Albany Twp., Berks, County, Pennsylvania.

He married Catherina Kunkel, a daughter of Johannes Kunkle and his wife Anna Magdalena Keiser.  Catherina was born May 1, 1751 in a place called Allemaengal, which literally means "all wants, or bad ground, the outback region", north of Kutztown, Pennsylvania.   The Lilly family and the Kunkle family eventually migrated north to land around Kriedersville, Northampton Co, Pennsylvania.  Land better suited for farming.

But this area was still the home territory for the Indian people.  Times were difficult for families in this area.  Indian raids were common  prior to the start of the Revolutionary War.  His name appears on the tax list for 1786  and shows that Andreas Lilly had 130 acres, 2 horses, and 2 cows.   In 1798, Andreas Lilly had a house built of stone, measuring  30 feet by 22 feet and containing two  windows.

Andreas and Catherina had six  children:  Jacob, born 1772;  Christina, born 1778, who married Bernard Stettler;  Rachel, born 1780, who married William Hummell;  Andreas, born 1781;  Lidya, born 1782, who married Peter Schaffer and Catherine, born 1785, who married Heinrich Larasch.

During the Revolutionary War he served in the Northampton Militia in Captain Paul Knauss', 8th Company, 3rd Battalion under the command of Colonel Nicholas Kern. I noted with interest that on  September the 6th 1780,    Adris Lilly served in the same class with Felty Onawalt.   These two patriots are both ancestors of Ron Smith, my husband.  The Burial Card shows evidence of several enlistments for which he is given credit.

The Militia Loan of 1784-1785. was established to pay individuals for services and goods provided during the Revolutionary War that had not been reimbursed at that time.   His card shows  that Andrew Lilley of the Northampton Co.  Militia was issued  Certification  #9272  for which he was  given payment of a total of 10.13.6 pounds  on January 10, 1786.   Register Vol. A, p. 294. Militia Loan of 1 April, 1784 and 30 March, 1785,  “Public Debt,”   Records of the Comptroller General at D. P. R.

Andrew Lilly made out his Last Will and Testament  in 1830.  File No. 4112, Allen Township, Northampton Co., Pennsylvania.   He died February 17, 1830.  He is buried in the Zion UCC Stone Church Cemetery, Kreidersville,  Northampton County, Pennsylvania where his name is included on the DAR memorial.  Find A Grave Memorial# 5718531. Catherina preceded him in death on July 10, 1814.  The original headstones for either of them have not been located but they are both listed in the records of the cemetery.

Their son Andreas married Susanna Laufer, whose father Peter Laufer and grandfather Christian Laufer also served in the Revolutionary war, ancestors of Estella Kunkle Smith
  • Muster Rolls, Northamptonhttp://archive.org/stream/pennsylvaniaarch32penn/pennsylvaniaarch32penn_djvu.txt
  • Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Veterans Burial Cardshttp://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/research_topics/3162/ancestry_com_pennsylvania/1575348
  • Pa State Archives @ http://www.digitalarchives.state.pa.us, Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File

                               Please see this list of all My Revolutionary War Ancestors.
                                         This page  © 2013, Cynthia H. Smith
                                         Send email to chsmith47@yahoo.com

This site may be linked, but not duplicated in any way without consent. The copyright on this page must appear on all copied and/or printed material.

Your comments and suggestions are appreciated. It is with pleasure that I am able to present this information here for you to enjoy. If you discover a relationship here, I would very much enjoy hearing from you.
                                                   Email to chsmith47@yahoo.com