Friday, December 19, 2014

The Charles Estep Family of Tioga Co., Pennsylvania

This is my grandmother, Zilpha Estep Hughes. She was the mother of my father, Richard Lyle Hughes, Jr. Zilpha Estep, born July 23, 1902, was the youngest daughter of Charles Estep and his wife Helen Scott Estep. Often referred to her as Gramma Zip by her grandchildren, she was nicknamed "Zip" or "Zippy" by her older brothers when a small child. She grew up on Armenia Mountain and in East Troy, Pennsylvania. Zip and Richard Hughes were married in Williamsport, Pennsylvania on Dec. 20, 1920. Gramma Zip was trained as a practical nurse. Eighteen year old Zilpha is enumerated on the 1920 census with her sister Wilma, 19 years old, at the Cottage State Hospital in Blossburg, Pennsylvania where they were taking their nurses training. Her life time career took her into the homes of her clients where she lived with them providing around the clock nursing care for as long as they needed.

This photo of  the Charles Estep family was taken about 1919 at their home in East Troy, Pennsylvania.

Children of Charles and Helen Estep were:  Angeline (1886-1980),  Florence Helen (1889-1984),  Frances Raymond (1890-1951),  Esther Viola (1894-1957),  Clarence Benzette (1896-1957),  Laura M. (1898-1949),  Wilma Jane (1900-1988),  Zilpha Marie Imo (1902-1978).    Not pictured, George (1885-1888) and Chauncey (1892-1892).  Here you can see in the back row, left to right Frank, BenZet, and Angie. In the front row are Laura,  Esther, Helen, Charles, Zilpha, Wilma and Florence.

Sara Angeline Chauncey Scott,  mother of Helen Scott Estep, is included in this photo, taken about 1919.  Sara Angeline Chauncey Scott is sitting in the rocker in this family portrait.  She died May 21, 1921 and lived to be 101 years old.   Charles and Helen, are pictured here with their children and spouses and grandchildren.  This picture was probably taken on the property of the Estep family home in East Troy, Pennsylvania.  This home burned  about 1920.    The children in this picture are Lucille Loomis (1908-1997) and her brother Clem Arthur Jr. (1917-1999). Also Merle Yeomans (1908-1985), his brother Bill (1912-2008) and sister Helen (1919-2009).

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

See How They Grew - The Richard L. Hughes Family

            See How They Grew
The Richard L. Hughes Family. My dad, Richard Hughes was a Methodist minister in Ohio.  We grew up, living in small towns across the state.  First Manchester, then Quincy, Carey, Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio.   After all the kids had grown up, Mom and Dad moved to Columbus.  
Dad Graduated from Asbury Collage in 1947 .
Richard L. Hughes was born in Tioga, PA Nov. 1, 1921, the son of Richard Lyle Hughes  and Zilpha Estep Hughes. Dad Graduated from Asbury College in 1947 Lois Marie McEwen was born in Northampton Co. PA, the daughter of Homer and Eliza McEwen.   Dick and Lois met at Asbury College and were married June 5, 1943 in Richmond, PA.
The family lived in Manchester from 1947 to 1952.
We lived in Quincy from 1952 til 1955
Manchester, Ohio, 1949.  Lois and Dick with Stephen, Cynthia, Deborah and Sharon. The family lived in Manchester from 1947 to 1952
We lived in Quincy from 1952 til 1955. First day of school, 1953. Stephen, Sharon, Cindy, Debbie.
Little Sisters, Cindy and Debbie.  Quincy , Ohio , 1953.
Dayton, Ohio 1964.  Richard the 3rd was born in 1958 while we lived in Carey
1991, on the occasion of Dad's 70th Birthday, we gathered in Columbus, Ohio to help him celebrate. To Mom's right is Aaron Mills, son of Sharon, on Dad's left.  Dad is holding Laura Wheeler, daughter of Deb (in black sweater). Cindy with son, Mark Smith. Richard with his son Richie and Steve holding Sarah Smith.
Dick and Lois.

    This page and all contents ©  2003, 2009, 2014 Cynthia Hughes Smith. Send email to